Velkommen! / Welcome! / kama pona a! / Bienvenue ! / Fàilte! / ũwûv úwu!

Martin (he/it)
neurodivergent and a minor /q
I know:
▸ Norwegian (native)
▸ English (fluent)
▸ toki pona (intermediate)
▸ French (intermediate-ish)
▸ Scottish Gaelic (beginner)
▸ uwulang (just started)(click the text below for more info)
tone tags I use often

/j ▸ joking
/srs ▸ serious
/p ▸ platonic
/gen ▸ genuine question
/rht ▸ rhetorical question
/nm ▸ not mad or upset
/pos ▸ positive connotation
/neu ▸ neutral/no connotation
/neg ▸ negative connotation
/ref ▸ reference
/ly ▸ lyric
list of a bunch of tone tags

▸ languages
▸ cold temperatures
▸ dogs and cats
▸ drawing
▸ skirts and dresses
▸ flowy clothes in general
▸ singing, playing bass and guitar + making music
▸ rhythm games & visual novels
▸ weirdcore, cottagecore and cluttercore
▸ fanfics (mostly fluff lol)
▸ Pixel Partners
▸ lemon flavoured things
▸ socks with fun patterns
▸ high energy music (punk, rock, heavy metal, that kinda stuff)
▸ the rhythm of words in songs (why I like rap)
▸ emoticons :)
▸ Of Montreal!!!!
▸ Remi Wolf!!!!!!!!!!
▸ the w sound in toki pona
▸ Eurovision
▸ spiders + bugs in general
▸ loud/sudden sounds
▸ the smell of bananas
▸ time
▸ gendered language (French, I'm looking at you)
▸ The obvious stuff (the -isms and the -phobias)
▸ nynorsk >:(
▸ most sports
▸ liquorice
▸ tcest (ew)

characters I kin
▸ Donnie (rise version)
▸ Gin Ibushi
▸ Martin Kartin Blackwood (pretty obvious heh)
▸ red guy... (dhmis)
▸ Ryan Akagi (!!!)
▸ Gundham Tanaka
▸ Mao Mao Mao
▸ Charlie Spring
▸ Tori Spring
▸ Kitty (Battle Kitty)
▸ Ralsei
▸ Miles Edgeworth
▸ Jonathan Sims (the character not the person hehe)
▸ Saiki Kusuo
▸ Trucy Wright
▸ Sydney O. Sargent
▸ Kid (Kid Cosmic)
▸ Mae Borowski

current special interests

▸ TMNT in general?
▸ toki pona (+ language learning in general)
▸ Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
▸ Your Turn To Die
▸ The Stanley Parable
▸ Battle Kitty
▸ knitting
▸ Ace Attorney
▸ Danganronpa
▸ Camp Here & There
▸ The Magnus Archives
▸ Archive 81
▸ DnD (I'm writing a biiig backstory for my character)
▸ Deltarune
▸ Rhythm Heaven
social medias etc

Discord: madcitrus#2391
Archive of Our Own